We are an innovative and sustainable Munich-based start-up around the unique travel break app called Trimply. Travelers are automatically shown valuable time-out destinations including distance and detailed information plus photos at every single highway exit. Free of charge and, above all, without having to search for it yourself. The same also works within a radius that can be set individually for travelers of all kinds. At the same time, customers from culture, leisure, trade, hospitality, nature, tourism and commerce have the unprecedented high-potential opportunity to advertise themselves in our app. This enables them to reach guests and customers who are already in their immediate vicinity 24/7. Discounts, competitions and vouchers are just the perfect addition to their offer. This 24/7 visibility and accessibility is completely unknown and urgently needs to be enthusiastically marketed. This is where we need your expertise! For example, the recent unrest surrounding the horrendous costs of brown signs on freeways, which are being imposed on municipalities nationwide, can be implemented many times more effectively in Trimply for a fraction of the cost. We look forward to hearing from motivated agents with a concrete strategy in mind and the drive to continue this successful course with us. Yours sincerely, The Trimply Team
IUCAB B2B Platform Spain > Job Offers > Sell the most innovative cross-industry advertising tool with us. (App)